Frame and Design Ideas from I've Been Framed

Frame and Design Ideas from I've Been Framed

By Cristina Coronel

Frame and Design Ideas from I've Been Framed

There's countless types of frames you can combine with infinite mat options. When you walk into a store it can be a bit overwhelming when the design possibilities are truly unlimited. Mixing and matching colors to fit your home or office's style that accentuate and bring out the features of your art.

The medium being framed is hands down the most important factor when deciding what to use. For example, a canvas is framed completely different than a lithograph, even if it is of the same image.

The subject, era, style and color scheme of the items being framed should also be factored in. When each of them is carefully considered, the resulting frame design is more likely to be in sync with the art.

There is a time and a place for framing to be of a historical nature while in other situations it is fun to explore new options. Typically any historical art, documents and artifacts are framed to look authentic to their period. We have numerous mouldings based off of historical frames. When a new piece of art is painted in an old world style, use it as an opportunity to update the look with a modern frame design. The choice is always yours!