5 Cool Ideas for Repurposing Old Picture Frames

When you reframe a timeless piece of artwork or a cherished memory to fit a new home design, first instinct shouldn't be to throw the old moulding out. Instead, repurpose it for your current needs. Sometimes you can find cool, fun, new ways to recycle old frames, and best of all, we can help you do it, too!
Keychain Holder:
You can get just about any old small frame, or we can cut a larger old frame down to size to house and hang your keychains.
Multi-Purpose Tray:
Convert your picture frames into neat trays that can be used for any occasion. A charcuterie or maybe a tv-remote tray? How about an espresso coffee tray? The uses are endless!
Shelving & Displays:
Shallow shelving is always useful. Display knick-knacks or store your makeup. Want to add a hinged door/mirror for your medicine cabinet? That's also possible.
Wall Storage:
Use an old frame to store your most frequently used menus. Have a lot of mail or files to go through that don't fit on your table? This also is a plus.
Ceiling Medallions:
We recently repurposed some old frames as ceiling medallions for ceiling lamps. It tied the room together perfectly and added an accent that looked amazing!
If you have any other ideas for repurposing your frames don't hesitate to send us a message at info@ivebeenframedmiami.com. We're excited to hear from you!